OE 1 – Series 1 & 2 Responses / Series ૧ અને ૨ ના ઈ-મેલનો પ્રતિસાદ


Dear All,

Thank you for your overwhelming feedbacks. Not in a figment of our imagination that we had thought that we would be getting so MANY favourable responses baring only two feedbacks seeming to raise different issues. The feedback came from whole of India, including from distant places Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Orissa, Chhatisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, etc. The real surprise was feedback from out of India.

Some of the notable feedbacks are….

“… thanks for doing such a wounderful social and noble cause….”

“… its good to see the information coming from an independent source…”

“… Thanks for opening our eyes. You should have done this much earlier…”

“… We never every imagined that Satpanth was a sect of Islam. We always thought that Satpanth is a like any other sect of Hindu Religion…”

“… wounder how get fooled the CHANGED Veds… I appeal to all learned Satpanthis to enlighted the whole community and tell them the truth…”

“… please give us more information on Satpanth. We will spread the awareness in our Local Samajs also…”

& many more…

In addition to the above, I also got feedback that it was difficult for people to print the attachments in the link.

Hence I have decided to attach the files so that one can download and print at convenience.

Thanks once again for sending in encouraging responses.

Real Patidar


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